Sliding Tips That Your Child Will Learn At A Baseball Training Academy

Posted on: 17 March 2021

Many parents send their baseball-playing children to training academies to improve their hitting, but there are other important parts of the game that your child can focus on at this venue. Sliding while running the bases is another fundamental that your child can improve either through one-on-one instruction or involvement with a group lesson. Many young baseball players have trouble sliding correctly — sometimes because they're tentative to do so. In other cases, a child may use the wrong mechanics to slide. Skillful sliding is a valuable attribute to possess, and your child will likely learn the following tips at a baseball training academy.

Go Feet First

Professional baseball players often slide head first, and while there's value in doing so, you'll generally find that instructors who work with children teach them how to slide with their feet first. There are multiple reasons for this approach. While a child slides feet first, they're less likely to sustain an injury. Head-first sliding can cause the baserunner to hit their face on the ground or even the infielder's foot. Additionally, a baserunner who needs to slide may struggle to decide whether sliding feet first or head first is appropriate. When the child knows to always slide feet first, they won't hesitate.

Keep Hands Out Of The Way

One of the biggest risks when a baserunner slides into a base, even feet first, is having the infielder step on their hand by accident. Generally, the infielder is focused on trying to catch the baseball and step on the base and may miss the base and step on the runner's hand. This sort of incident can lead to a serious injury, given the use of cleats by the infielder. The instructors at the baseball academy will teach your child to keep their hands off the ground. Instead, kids will learn to elevate their arms and hands as they slide into the base.

Pop Up Afterward

A child who slides into a base shouldn't remain on the ground for long. A pop-up slide, in which the baserunner slides feet first and then quickly stands up, is a valuable skill. If the infielder has missed the ball, a pop-up slide will allow the child to advance to the next base quickly. If the child were to remain on the ground, they might not have enough time to advance. Upon learning these sliding tips, you can expect to see your young baseball player excel in this part of the game.
